Saturday, October 23, 2004

Diverse City

"For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile - the same Lord
is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on Him." Romans 10:12

God, whose creative imagination is inexhaustible, delights in
diversity. Billions upon billions of snowflakes fall every year, yet
no two are exactly alike.
Wilson Bentley was so fascinated by this infinite variety that with
the help of a photomicrograph he devoted himself to taking pictures
of these exquisite crystals. They show that each snowflake is usually
a hexagon with six tips or dendrites forming a perfectly symmetrical
design. Yet there are no duplicates! What awe-inspiring evidence that
God delights in diversity!
That same sense of wonder fills our hearts as we think about the
diversity of human beings with all their ethnic and cultural
differences. Yet men and women everywhere, whether dark-skinned
pygmies or all, blond Scandinavians, are basically the same. All have
the same anatomical structure, the same emotions, the same needs, and
the same sin-stained nature.
We are also the same in our need of salvation. And there is just
one way. Anyone, anywhere, anytime, who calls on Jesus Christ in
faith experiences the destiny-changing wonder of God's redemptive love
(Romans 10:13). The one and only Savior has been provided for all of us.


"Shout with joy to God, all the earth! Sing the glory of His name;
make His praise glorious! Say to God, 'How awesome are your deeds!'
... Come and see what God has done, how awesome His works in man's
behalf!" Psalm 66:1-3,5


Hi! I'm Yorkali, and welcome to Today's Spiritual Food.
This actually started as a daily email my great friend Dave Ennis sent out to some of his friends. Well, I got to thinkin'...this would make a great web log (for those new to web logs, they are basically websites that are created and updated like an online journal) . So decided to take these wonderful nuggets of inspiration and share them with the world. There's one lil' catch, Dave has no idea I'm doing this :)...yet.
The great thing about the devotionals in this format is that not only will more people be blessed by it but they will be able to post comments at the end of a post that may have touched them and maybe share a personal experience that the devotional may have related to. I look forward to seeing how this little corner of the net may bless and inspire you and others day by day.

Thanks Dave, I hope you like it :)
